Monday 26 January 2015

Insect Housing Boom

Some more of the insect homes are ready for their interior furnishings, a small beetle, a bit hard to see in the photograph, spent some time checking out the various designs.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Insect Homes 2

The insect homes will come in different sizes, so as well as the laser etched and cut homes, I have been making a number of other ones out of various recycled materials, such as old weatherboards and some cheap boxes. Some of the insect homes will small and planned for a single insect and others will be larger and for many insects. Also I have been experimenting with materials to use to encourage the various insects to take up residency. 

Insect Homes

Got the first of the test homes done, as well as getting some more of the interior furnishings sorted out.

Wednesday 21 January 2015


The insect flats had a visitor today, if only we could breed giant stick insects and teach them to clean windows, save a lot of time and money having people dangle off platforms.